Last Monday I got up at 6:00 a.m. to take a picture of a train. It’s not unusual that I would go out to photograph a train, but the time is a little earlier than I generally go. It was not an or...
The rain fell mainly on the train

Last Monday I got up at 6:00 a.m. to take a picture of a train. It’s not unusual that I would go out to photograph a train, but the time is a little earlier than I generally go. It was not an or...
Two long-time pursuits of mine — writing and trains — have finally come together. I’ve had my first byline appear in Trains, the longtime magazine for ferrophiles, as my sister once called t...
Watching and photographing trains has long been a hobby of mine. Since I was old enough to know what they are, I have loved to go trackside and watch trains go by, feeling the earth shake and listenin...
I recently wrote an article for Bar Leader on how Bar Associations can function as “conveners,” bringing together different groups of lawyers, as well as members of the public, to work on ...
I recently wrote an article for Bar Leader on the ABA Center for Innovation, a project of the American Bar Association designed to spur development of apps and other technologies that will help close...
I recently wrote an article for Bar Leader on whether Bar Associations allow their employees to telecommute for all or part of their job. Opinions varied, and naturally some jobs lend themselves bette...
I recently wrote an article for Bar Leader that examined how attacks on computers are increasing, and what Bar Associations are doing to try to prevent them. After speaking with a number of experts in...
As the majority of web traffic now comes from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, organizations and individuals who rely on a web presence need to be sure their site looks good on the smal...
It’s 55 degrees as I’m writing this, but a look at the calendar says it’s going to snow eventually here in upstate New York, so time to put on the snow tires. I don’t want a re...
As some states legalize marijuana for medical and private use, lawyers in those states find themselves in a predicament: Their state law says marijuana is legal, but federal law says it isn’t. H...